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Choosing the Best Vitamins for Inflammation

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Inflammation is an immune response of the body’s tissues to irritation, infection, and injury. Acute inflammation is the short term response to tissue injury or infection that usually appears within minutes to hours and is characterized by pain, redness, immobility, swelling, and heat. This response is perfectly healthy and plays an important role in protecting and healing the body after injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can lead to long term pain and damage to the body. 

There are several diseases that are inflammatory in nature, including asthma, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, and inflammatory bowel disease, to name a few, while many other diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer have inflammatory components. All of these are associated with chronic inflammation that can be incredibly difficult to live with and decrease overall well-being. 

With so many people dealing with chronic inflammation, with approximately 1.5 million people in the United States suffering from rheumatoid arthritis alone, it is no surprise that there are a number of effective anti-inflammatory medicines on the market, such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen. However, long term use of many of these medicines often come with the risk of a number of serious side effects. For example, regular use of ibuprofen may eventually cause kidney and liver damage, bleeding in the stomach and bowels, and an increased risk of heart attacks. For this reason, many people look to anti-inflammatory vitamins and more natural methods to help with their chronic inflammation.

Of course, natural anti-inflammatory alternatives can be incredibly appealing to everyone, even if they are not suffering from inflammatory diseases. Often, we want to relieve the pain that comes from the acute inflammatory response to injury and stress on our tissues, and there are many every-day uses for anti-inflammatory vitamins. For example, our muscles will often be sore after working out. One of the main triggers for this muscle soreness is inflammation within the muscle that occurs when we engage in intense activity. 

Whether you are looking to help fight against chronic inflammation or are just looking for a great alternative to anti-inflammatory medicines, we are here to help! In this article, we will go in-depth into some of the best vitamins for inflammation so that you can live your best life. 

Anti-Inflammatory Vitamins 


1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Omega-3 fatty acids are filled with enough health benefits to boggle the mind. These fatty acids include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), all of which our body is not able to produce by itself, and therefore, must be consumed either through healthy eating or through supplementation.

Among some of the great benefits of the omega-3s are that they can help fight depression and anxiety, can improve eye health, can promote brain health, can improve risk factors for heart disease, can help fight auto-immune diseases, can help prevent cancer, can help to improve sleep, and are great for our skin. Most importantly for our purposes here, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to greatly help in the reduction of inflammation and improve joint and bone health. 

Numerous studies can attest to the effect that omega-3s have on our bone and joint health, which is especially important for those facing chronic inflammation from arthritis and those at risk for or dealing with osteoporosis. For example, one well-known study from the Straub Clinic and Hospital showed that participants who took Omega-3 supplements reported reduced joint pain and increased grip strength, while a study from the University of Pretoria indicated that those who supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids had improved bone strength due to the omega-3's ability to boost the amount of calcium in our bones. 

Additionally, studies have tied omega-3s to reduced inflammation associated with diabetes, heart disease, cancer and a number of other conditions, such as vascular inflammation which is a significant risk factor in heart disease and heart attacks. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids seem to come from their ability to reduce the production of molecules and substances linked to inflammation, such as inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines. In particular, the omega-3, DHA, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce cytokine levels, a property that can benefit everyone, from those who face inflammatory conditions and chronic inflammation to those who deal with inflammation and muscle damage after intense exercise. 

With so many studies consistently observing a connection between omega-3 intake and reduced inflammation, it is no wonder that these fatty acids are consistently considered one of the best natural alternatives to anti-inflammatory medicines. And the best part is that side effects from the regular intake of omega-3s are incredibly rare. 

So how can you make sure that you are getting a large amount of omega-3s in your diet? If you want to get your omega-3s through the food that you eat, then you will want to be sure to eat a good amount of fish. Mackerel, Salmon, Cod, Herring, and Sardines all contain large amounts of omega-3s in each serving. Additionally, nuts like flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts contain a large amount of these fatty acids as well. Finally, add some eggs into your breakfast routine for another healthy dose of omega-3s. 

As an alternative to healthy eating, there are a number of omega-3 supplements that you can buy just about anywhere. Oftentimes, these supplements will be marketed as fish oil products since fish are one of the best places to find a plethora of these fatty acids. 

2. Curcumin 

Curcumin is another one of those ingredients that are the first to people’s lips when they are talking about great anti-inflammatory vitamin options given its wide breadth of benefits and lack of any notable side effects.

Curcumin is an active ingredient in turmeric, which is a plant in the ginger family. Many studies show that curcumin can decrease inflammation associated with diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer, while other studies show that curcumin can be very beneficial for the reduction of inflammation and the improvement of symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 

While there are many studies to support these findings, one notable study showed that when people with metabolic syndrome too curcumin, they found a significant reduction of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) compared to the control group, while another notable study showed that people with solid cancerous tumors found that their inflammatory markers decreased far more than the control group and that their quality of life score increased significantly. 

It can be difficult to get enough curcumin to see benefits by simple dieting alone, partially because curcumin, taken by itself, is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. However, you can boost the absorption of curcumin by as much as 2000% when it is taken with piperine, an ingredient found in black pepper. Luckily, when you use high-quality turmeric and curcumin supplements like Tropical Oasis’ top of the line Liquid Turmeric Curcumin Complex With Bioperine, you will get the best absorption rates available on the market. If you are dealing with inflammation issues, there is really no better option than this incredible product with benefits ranging from anti-inflammation to increased joint, muscle, and cartilage health.

3. Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)  is a fatty acid naturally produced by your body that plays a key role in your metabolism and energy production. Often this fatty acid is taken as a dietary supplement for its antioxidant properties which protect your cells from damage and helps restore levels of other important antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E. 

In addition to its antioxidant functions, ALA has also been shown to reduce inflammation linked to insulin resistance, cancer, liver disease, and heart disease, while ALA has also been shown to help reduce blood levels of inflammatory markers, such as IL-6 and ICAM-1. 

It is possible to get ALA from the foods that you eat, though even the foods that have relatively high amounts of ALA compared to other foods still have quite low overall amounts of ALA. If you want to get ALA through your diet, you can eat foods like spinach, broccoli, yams, potatoes, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and carrots, though if you are hoping to get enough ALA to help combat your inflammation, you will likely want to try out some ALA dietary supplements.

4. Zinc

Zinc is a trace element found throughout the body that is most often associated with great benefits to your immune system and metabolic functioning. When you get a cold, Zinc is usually one of your first options. However, studies have also linked Zinc to a number of anti-inflammatory benefits. 

According to professionals at the Wayne State University School of Medicine, zinc decreases inflammation and oxidative stress among older adults, oxidative stress being a trigger for inflammation that may increase a person’s risk for a number of conditions associated with inflammation, such as cancer. Moreover, it is well known that people with a zinc deficiency are more likely to have arthritis, suggesting a close link between low levels of Zinc, inflammation, and inflammation-related pain. 

Green tea on a wooden tray.

5. Green Tea

For a long time now, doctors and medical professionals have looked closely at this readily available tea for its anti-inflammatory properties since people who live in regions that consume more green tea have lower rates of inflammation-related illnesses. Following this hunch, research shows that green tea may inhibit the production of certain inflammatory chemicals and may also help slow cartilage loss which reduces the symptoms of arthritis. 

Luckily, many people already drink green tea on an everyday basis. It has less caffeine than coffee and is much easier on the stomach, making it the perfect pick me up drink for all times of the day. However, just one cup of green tea will likely not be enough to get all of this tea’s anti-inflammatory benefits. To fight off inflammation, doctors recommend that you drink three to four cups of green tea a day or taking roughly 300-400 mg of green tea extract through dietary supplements. 

6. Frankincense

Frankincense, also known as olibanum, is made from the resin of the Boswellia tree, typically found in the dry mountainous regions of India, Africa, and the Middle East and is a great natural option to ease both inflammation and inflammation-related pain in addition to its ability to improve asthma, improve gut function, and fight off certain cancers. 

Researchers believe that the terpenes and boswellic acids found in frankincense can prevent the release of leukotrienes, which are compounds that can cause inflammation. In particular, frankincense has been linked to reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, with some studies showing that this natural treatment can be just as effective as a number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) without the side effects to the liver and kidneys. 

One recent review showed that frankincense was consistently more effective than a placebo at reducing pain and improving mobility, while another study showed that participants who supplemented with frankincense over a period of eight weeks reported a significant decrease in joint swelling and pain than those given the placebo. Finally, a study using findings from over 256 patients found that Boswellia resin helped reduce morning stiffness and the amount of NSAID medication needed in people with rheumatoid arthritis. 

It would be quite difficult, if not impossible, to get the proper amount of frankincense through dieting alone since it is quite unlikely that anyone will be using the resin from a Boswellia tree in a dish that they make anytime soon. For this reason, those who are looking to fight off inflammation with frankincense will do well to look for some of the great dietary supplements on the market. 

7. Resveratrol 

Resveratrol is a name that is not often heard in health discussions about health benefits, but it is gaining popularity in discussions regarding vitamins to reduce inflammation. Resveratrol is an antioxidant found primarily in grapes, blueberries, and other purple-skinned fruits, as well as red wine and peanuts.  

Though there has not been a long history in studies linking resveratrol, many recent studies have shown that resveratrol supplements may reduce inflammation in individuals with heart disease, insulin resistance, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, and a variety of other inflammation-related conditions. Additionally, studies have shown that resveratrol supplementation may be a great option for people who are dealing with inflammation related to obesity since resveratrol supplementation reduced inflammatory markers, such as triglycerides and high blood sugar, in obese patients and help with weight loss. 

Since resveratrol is found in delicious purple-skinned fruits and red-wine, resveratrol is certainly one of the more enjoyable anti-inflammatory options available, though people who want the best benefits will likely want to top off their fruity snacks and enjoyable beverages with resveratrol supplements.  

8. Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is a fat-soluble compound that is created by our bodies when sunlight strikes the skin. The health benefits of proper vitamin D levels cannot be overstated since it helps your body use calcium more effectively, contributing to a healthier skeletal system, and it plays a large role in supporting your immune system. In addition to this, there is a mounting body of evidence that suggests that low vitamin D levels are linked with higher levels of inflammation since vitamin D plays a role in reducing inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein. 

Unfortunately, many people are exposed to far less sunlight these days than in the past with half of the world’s population facing vitamin D deficiency with symptoms going beyond increased inflammation to depression, fatigue, and a higher risk for osteoporosis. 

Of course, most of us would love it if we could spend more time in the sun, but often our busy lives mean that our time outside is sacrificed to work and indoor activities. For this reason, vitamin D supplements are a great way to ensure that you are getting enough of this vitamin that is so integral to our health. 

9. Tropical Oasis’ Liquid Joint Supplement

While there are many great individual anti-inflammatory vitamins and dietary supplements out there, for those who are dealing with chronic inflammation and joint problems, Tropical Oasis offers an incredible liquid formula packed with ingredients that support joint health, promote blood flow, and increase flexibility, making it a great option for those who deal with inflammatory-related joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Tropical Oasis' Joint Complete Premium liquid supplement provides an easily absorbable method for ingesting ingredients like glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), all of which have been shown to produce incredible anti-inflammatory benefits that we outline in-depth in this great article on joint health.

Unlike pill form vitamins which often have an absorption rate of around 15-20 percent (meaning that a vast majority of the nutrients pass right through the system), our high-quality liquid vitamins have a whopping 96 percent max absorption rate! Chronic inflammation can severely decrease your quality of life, which is why it is important that the vitamins you take to fight inflammation are actually absorbed. Otherwise, it is just like pouring water into a bottle with a hole in the bottom; You might get some moisture sticking to the sides, but the majority of the water ends up in a puddle on the ground. Who wants to clean that up? Certainly not someone with inflamed joints!

A man with a black hat in his hands and a green background.

Dealing with Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to a number of serious inflammatory conditions as well as a number of other serious health conditions ranging from arthritis and asthma to cancer and diabetes. Because of this, it is essential that we are able to fight off inflammation without constant recourse to anti-inflammatory drugs that can cause their own set of serious side effects. The best option for people looking for great anti-inflammatory alternatives is to get a healthy dose of many of the anti-inflammatory vitamins that we have outlined throughout the article. While you can get many of these vitamins through healthy eating, dietary supplements will be the best option for a number of these treatments. Just remember, when choosing dietary supplements, you will want to go with supplements that your body will easily absorb which is why Tropical Oasis’ wide range of liquid vitamins should always be your first choice!

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